Men are good at keeping secrets and won’t tell you as a woman to avoid getting women agitated or over excited about something. Telling your woman what you feel in your head concerning sex would be quite difficult since women become very dramatic.  Women are good at making weird conclusions which may turn out ugly at times. These are some of the confessions that men make either to themselves or to their friends. Some are unbelievable but they are very true.

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‘I am in love with just one woman, she is far; this one is just sex for fun’ As much as the man might shower you with gifts, presents and many things that may get you thinking he loves you, he might be a passerby. Most men can cheat on their wife’s with you but at the end of the day, they will find their way back home. As much as you might be doing monkey styles in bed, cooking good and very romantic, if a man has no feelings for you, then that is sex for fun.

‘She is boring in bed’ Men love cheerful women in bed who will make them satisfied. They love women that t will make sex fun and not just for procreation.‘I was a virgin when we first had sex’ a lady who is a virgin is no big deal compared to a man in our today’s society. A man would rather pretend than tell you he is a virgin because it is embarrassing. Sometimes you might fail to know he was forever.

‘I watched porn to get me in the moods for sex’ sometimes your man may not be willing to have sex with you since he is tired, he is angry at you, he is anxious, you are unattractive physically or probably had sex somewhere else. He will do that to avoid getting you angry.

‘I had sex with her friend and she tastes better than my wife’ let’s face the reality here; men can easily cheat on you with your closest friend and you might never know. Since your friend wants to impress your man, she will make sure she does all it takes in bed that is why men will always confess that other people taste better than you do

‘I have always taken a Viagra to have sex with her’ you might be too much for your man to handle. Since he wants to pretend to be a monster in bed, he will take Viagra so that he proves he is good in bed. This will happen if you keep on asking sex from your man for long hours.