The secret that the entire humanity has been trying to unlock is how to live long and happy long and happy lives. Science has now found the key to success for men to live longer.. For men, here are some of things you should so that will facilitate your longer living in this world.
1. Stare at boobs – It may seem like an inconvenience or an invasion of privacy to many women, but staring at boobs creates a positive mindset in men. The same effect occurs when they look at cute animals.
2. Have lots of sex – This is what every man wants to hear, but there is a good reason for it. Sex promotes physical well-being, as well it is a stress reliever— which can help reduce the likeliness of illness. Sex releases serotonin, the happy hormone, which makes you to feel better overall.
3. Get married – Research has shown that married men do live longer. Please ensure you get married at the age of 25 but not younger than that. I assure you that you will live longer and healthy.
4. Have kids – It seems like a natural progression here but men who marry and have kids live longer than those who don’t. A study in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health found that when parents reached age 60, men with kids saw their life expectancy go up two years while women increased by 1.5 years. By the age of 80, men with kids were expected to live eight months longer than those without kids.
5. Be responsible – A sense of responsibility can do wonders. When you are married, then you have to be responsible. You must be caring to the wife and kids. This improves your socialization, alertness and general function.