Two people including a 16-year-old boy in Naivasha have committed suicide in incidents that have left residents in shock.

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In the first case, the body of the 16-year-old boy is said to have been found dangling from their house on Monday in Kinungi by his grandmother.

The incident happened only two weeks after two men from the same village took away their lives due to marital challenges.

One of the men drowned himself in a dam while the other jumped into a tank full of water as his wife demanded Sh1,500 monthly upkeep.

The teenage boy an according to a neighbor, Simon Karima they boy had returned home after spending an entire day in a neighboring market.

He said they rushed to their compound after the grandmother screamed on seeing his body.

"The granny had gone to enquire why the teenager had taken too long to wake up," he said.

Area chief Michael Ng'ng'a confirmed the incident. He said the boy was mentally ill.

He said although everyone knew he was mentally challenged, no one would believe he would take away his life as he was jovial.

And in neighboring Kijabe center, a 25-year-old man committed suicide after establishing that he would be wife had another man.

Emotions ran high when villagers learned of the man's death through hanging.