Miss Kenya Evelyn Njambi. Her Tanzanian counterpart is still roasting her alleging she stole her documentary for the Miss World contest. [Photo: Instagram]

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Miss Tanzania Diana Lukumai Edward is mad at Kenya’s beauty queen Evelyn Njambi. 

We mean mad!And her foot soldiers are out to defend their queen.Edward accuses Njambi of stealing her documentary at a previous beauty contest. This feud was taken a notch higher when Tanzanians came out guns blazing on social media trolling her with insults.A section of Kenyans did not take this lightly with the infamous Kenyans on twitter out to defend the reputation of the country.Njambi who managed a top five position in the world presented a documentary on Female Genital Mutilation which the Tanzania’s beauty queen claims to be an idea stolen from her with evidence that shows the documentary was shot in Arusha and not in Kenya.The Miss Tanzania added that she was disappointed in Njambi’s actions. Allegedly, Miss Congo revealed the information to other contestants.The organisers of the competition have not yet responded and it is still unclear the actions they will take.The fight continues on the gram… but, it is all Swahili so it may slow you down.