The main gate to Moi Girls High school in Eldoret town. [Photo: Joe Khisa]

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Moi Girls High school in Eldoret town has been forced to convert some of its unused rooms into dormitories so as to accommodate a high number of form ones expected to join the school.

According to the school's teacher who is in charge of Communication and Public relations Lilian Kinuthia, the existing facilities have been overstretched with more students expected to be admitted this week.

Speaking at the school when she presided over the form one admission exercise, Ms. Kinuthia also asked the government to post more teachers to the school which is among the top national schools in the country.

"We are now converting common rooms into dormitories and some of the unused classes will now have to be used due to the high number of students we are expecting. We have also brought in more double-decker beds," Kinuthia said on Tuesday.

"It could be better if the government chipped in because we now have only one new dormitory. Our desire is to have all our students sleeping and learning from a conducive environment," she added.

Over 340 form one students are expected to join the school against 289 that cleared their form four education last year.

"We will be having over 1,500 students and the teachers will be overburdened if nothing is done. We are however willing to accommodate all the students as they have a right to education," noted Ms. Kinuthia.