Mombasa Deputy County Commissioner, Salim Mahmoud has warned the youth to abide the law and avoid indulging in criminal activities.

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He said peace and reconciliation can be achieved through truth telling, confession, apology, retribution and the rule of law.

Speaking during a peace and reconciliation meeting at Swahili Pot on Wednesday, HAKI Africa's Deputy Executive Director, insisted to the youth, on finding inner peace as a key to a peaceful community.

Many youth participants blamed unemployment as a driving factor that leads to criminal activities which generates misunderstanding between communities.

The rights group made recommendations regarding the prevention of further abuses and violence and promised to work with organizations in Mombasa to ensure that peace is attained between the communities.

This even as HAKI Africa met with Open Society Foundation (OSF) Africa Regional Office to explore possibilities of partnership and collaboration on Friday. 

Job Ogonda, who is the Senior Advisor of the Regional Office, paid the group a courtesy visit and had a fruitful deliberation with senior officers of HAKI Africa.

As an organisation, HAKI Africa said it is committed to working with other similar African human rights organisations to push forward the African agenda.