The Parliamentary Service Commission has been faulted following revelations by a report by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission that some former MPs were still drawing salaries.
Reacting to the report, former MP for Nyaribari Chache Robert Monda demanded that the Commission explains to Kenyans circumstances that led to the former legislators to earn salaries.
“I do not belief the report is true. However, I blame the Speaker of the National Assembly for the mess if there is because he is the chairman of the Commission," he said.
He added: “Personally am not in the payroll and will not accept to reap from where I had not sowed. Let those responsible be held accountable. That will be corruption of the highest order.”
The Kenya National Library Services Chairman Samuel Nyangeso, said the government is committed in the war against graft.
He challenged the religious leaders and Kenyans to pray for the country.
“Our President is committed in the war against corruption. As he asked the Pope to pray for him, let us also commit our prayers for the government to succeed in the battle against the vice,” Nyangeso said.
They were speaking on Sunday at Kisii Town PAG during a fundraiser.