Motorists in Nakuru town are now happy lot following the creation of more parking space courtesy of hawkers’ eviction from the Central Business District (CBD) by the County government.

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For the time being, motorists in Nakuru town do not have to struggle to look for parking space anymore.    

James Mwangi, a businessman in the town reiterated that that before hawkers’ eviction, it was hard to find parking space since hawkers were all over the CBD but now things have changed. 

“It was hard to find parking space when hawkers were around and you would waste time trying to spot one but now things different. The space is plenty,” said Mwangi.

Mwangi noted that the county government will now make more money from parking fees collections compared to before.

Agnes Kwamboka, a county parking attendant said, parking fees have gone up since the time hawkers were evicted.

She added that when hawkers were around she could hardly serve 50 motorists on a single street but now that is possible.

“When hawkers were around the space was a very limited, we could only accommodate very few motorists,” said Kwamboka.