Moses Kuria(

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Gatundu South Member of Parliament Moses Kuria has been summoned again to appear before the National Cohesion and Integration Commission over alleged hate remarks.In a summon letter dated October 6, Gatundu south MP was asked to appear before NCIC on Monday, October 9 at 11 am.This follows remarks Kuria made on September 25, asking the Inspector General of Police, Joseph Boinnet, to shoot dead Opposition leader Raila Odinga and National Super Alliance supporters who would break the law during anti-IEBC demonstrations.

Speaking during a campaign tour in Nakuru, Kuria sought to remind the police that their role is to protect the citizens, hence, should not allow the NASA team to continue causing chaos in their protests aimed at pushing for reforms at the IEBC.

Kuria quoted this words “Mr Boinnett, the gun you have is not a pen. It has bullets and you should use it. The work of the police is to protect the citizens. If Raila Amollo Odinga will be the first to break the law tomorrow (September 26) then let him be shot dead,”

It was just last month on September 11, Moses Kuria had been along with former Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama over alleged hate speech.

On 9th, this Monday , Kuria is expected to appear court.