Ijara MP Sophia Abdi Noor has urged President Uhuru Kenyatta and NASA leader Raila Odinga to speed up dialogue on national unity and reconciliation.

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Noor argues that Uhuru and Raila should get to the ground and preach unity weeks after their famous handshake.

The Ijara MP  says that the delay in unifying and reconciling Kenyans is worrying.

“We need to see President Kenyatta and Raila Odinga in action after they agreed to unite and reconcile Kenyans,” she said as quoted by a local daily.

The MP  said that that h country is sharply divided and that delaying unitary talks is disastrous.

She asked that the President and former prime minister to rally allies and bring Kenyans together.

The MP said that the country will only achieve her development agenda is Kenyans are united and peaceful.

She asked politicians to stop debating 2022 politics and get down to work.

The Ijara legislator said that 2022 political succession debate sis derailing development and denying Kenyans services.

President Kenyatta and Raila Odinga in their now-famous handshake agreed to unite the country.

The leaders vowed to end negative ethnicity and champion the country’s unity.

However, weeks have passed since their famous handshake with no sign of national dialogue or reconciliation taking place.

A section of politicians allied to Raila is now questioning the handshake after Controversial  Canadian based lawyer Miguna Miguna was deported for the second time on Wednesday last week.

The politicians have been quoted asking Raila to denounce the handshake.

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