Juja MP Francis Munyua Waititu has urged Kerra Engineers in-charge of Kiambu County roads to call for public participation as a way of ensuring transparency in their work.

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According to Waititu though Kerra received enough money last year for road projects they have let the residents down because they have not released the list of how many projects they are ready to take up and how much they will use for those projects.

“Kerra engineers need to come to the ground and access the problem before the expected rains start pouring since our roads are in a pathetic situation,” he said.

Though the area MP has tried to raise the issue tarmac roads especially for his constituency which have been neglected since independence severally he is yet to see any development as promised by the county government .

“I have petitioned the Ministry of roads on the same. The situation is worse in Juja constituency where this area has been neglected since independence thank God we have CDF funds doing little on Education, Security and administration,” he added.

He said that if the County continues to neglect the public they are going to face a lot of demonstration from the public and urged the county government to hasten their action before people start going on the street demonstrating.

“Residents need to know what the government is doing for them and if the cannot see any development they will start demonstrating for their rights and this will be a shameful picture to Kiambu county,” he concludes.