Kesses Member of Parliament Dr. Swarup Mishra has promised to reward a dairy cow to each household in his constituency as an appreciation for electing him in the last year's poll.

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Donating a dairy cow was among the MP's key campaign pledges to the constituents.Addressing the press in Eldoret, Dr.Mishra who is also the owner of Mediheal Group of Hospitals said that the dairy cow will be a token of appreciation to the people of Kesses who backed him up for the parliamentary seat.“I want to express my delight to the people of Kesses by donating a dairy cow to each household for having faith in me as their member of parliament," said Mishra, the first non-Kalenjin to win a Parliamentary seat in Uasin Gishu.In his manifesto, the MP who has won admiration among many locals promised to deliver good road network, piped water, a conducive environment for public schools to conduct their studies among others.Mishra is among a few politicians in the North Rift who pumped in millions of shillings during his well-oiled campaigns and is well known for his philanthropy.To be the first to get the latest Political News updates for free, WhatsApp the word "POLITICS" to 0717410719.