Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and Polycarp Igathe. Igathe resigned citing poor working relationship with Sonko. Photo/Citizen TV]
The split between Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and deputy Polycarp Igathe was perhaps unprecedented.
It once again exposed what the drafters of the constitution probably did not foresee. What happens if there is a vacancy in the office of the deputy governor?
Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga who himself was a deputy governor has been without a principal assistance since November when he took over as governor.
A Bill proposed by senate majority leader Kipchumba Murkomen and drafted in November last year proposes to seal this loophole.
“You have a constitutional provisional article 149 that provides for how to fill the gap when a deputy president dies, resigns or ascends to the office of president before the end of the term of the president because of impeachment or any other eventuality, that is where we have borrowed,” says Murkomen.
The Bill proposes that a governor nominates a deputy who should be approved by the county assembly.
The assembly should consider this motion of approval within 14 days of the nomination.
The approval requires only the majority of the number of Members of the County Assembly.
“We thought that if you make it again two thirds of the members, you are making it almost impossible for the governor to be able to appoint,” he adds.
If the Bill sails through, govern Sonko could nominate his Principal assistant.