Some residents of Athi River in Mavoko, Machakos County have raised concerns on the increase in mushrooming private primary and secondary schools in the region.

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They claimed the increased numbers of the academies had compromised quality of education in Athi River and its neighborhoods.

"There has been sharp increase of private schools in Athi River, this is as a result of the rapid population growth thereby high demand and need for schools expansions to address needs of the fast growing population,"resident Peter Mathoka said.

Mathoka spoke at Slota Slum in Athi River on Saturday. 

Mathoka said most of the private schools do not meet the standards for offering quality education as required by the Ministry of Education. 

He said despite being in poor conditions which do not support learning, they lack necessary learning materials and have pathetic sanitation that include few toilets as well as lack of or poor playgrounds.

 "We are paying huge sums of money for school fees despite the government's promise to provide free primary and secondary education," Muthoka.

The locals called for the national and Machakos County Government's intervention to avert the situation.

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