NACADA Chairman John Mututho has issued a stern warning to schools whose students drink alcohol saying that such schools will be closed and such students taken to court.

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National Authority for Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) has been on the forefront in the fight against drug and substance abuse among youths and Kenyans in general.

Speaking yesterday, Mututho said that they will randomly test students for drug and abuse, especially alcohol when schools reopen adding that any student found under the influence of alcohol will face the law and the school will also be closed.

“There is expressed concern over increase in number of students taking alcohol. NACADA together with the Ministries of Health and Education will ensure that no such cases are tolerated in learning institutions whatsoever,” said Mututho.

Mututho noted that peer pressure and lack of proper parental guidance has been greatly attributed to the increase of number of students abusing drugs adding that the trend poses a major challenge to the country’s future generation.

He congratulated Kenyans for playing a great role in ensuring that road accidents related to driving while drunk were at minimum, and urged all road users to reduce the number even further.

“There is a decrease in the number of accidents caused by drunk-driving and NACADA is committed to making sure that the Mututho law is obeyed,” said the Mututho.

However, Mututho added that importation of rejected and poisonous alcohol is increasing and urged all traders who are importing such substances to stop or they will face the law.