Nairobi county doctors have vowed to resume with their strike on Monday even after Gover Evans Kidero promised to pay them on Friday.
Kenya Practitioners and Dentists Union Nairobi branch Secretary General Thuranira Kaugiria has said that the medics will only resume work if all their grievances are addressed.
This comes after the Employment and Labour Relations court suspended the strike which is in its second week.
“We are not defying court order we just don’t have fare to commute to work or food to eat in our houses. Are we going to walk?” posed Thuranira in an interview with the Nation.
He said that the doctors had received the orders to resume work but they did not have money to go to work.
The county government had promised that the money will paid on Friday, and it was confirmed that the medics were already on the payroll.
However, Dr Thuranira said that the payroll had been open but that does not mean that the money is on their account and will reflect in October.
The medics are accusing the county government of failingto pay them on time, and alleged failure to remit statutory deductions such as NHIF and NSSF for a period of eight months.