Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala Photo/Businessdailyafrica

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Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala has been selected as the Chairperson of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Commission for Africa for 2017-2019.

Balala was chosen at the body’s General Assembly in Chengdu, China.

UNWTO Commission for Africa is a platform where nations all over Africa share their concerns regarding their respective tourism sectors.

The commission works with member states and the global body’s secretariat to maintain contact with each other in between General Assembly sessions.

Najib Balala who was the former Mvita MP will be responsible for pushing Africa’s tourism agenda on a global platform for the next few years.

He has also been a part of the tourism sector for most of his career and his appointment comes with a lot of experience with many hoping he will utilize the skills he has learned to push Africa’s tourism agenda.