Residents of Kiamaina, Bahati sub county of Nakuru have suffered for long in search rare services of quality water from Nakuru Water and Sanitation company (NAWASCO) [Photo:]

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Residents of Kiamaina, Bahati sub-county of Nakuru have suffered for long in search  of quality water from Nakuru Water and Sanitation company (NAWASCO).

The residents claimed they are forced to bribe some of the officials from NAWASCO in order to have water.

“We are forced to bribe some of the NAWASCO staff so that we can have water in our plots,” said a resident.

They said the matter must be addressed as they cannot continue to suffer at the hands of the public entity.

When contacted over the same, NAWASCO boss James Nganga as well as NAWASCO commercial manager James Muthee admitted that they had received several complaints from their clients over water shortage.

However, they denied claims that a section of NAWASCO staff has been receiving bribes from clients to have water services.

The officers said they will investigate the claims.