Labour Party of Kenya leader Ababu Namwamba. Photo/

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Labour Party of Kenya leader Ababu Namwamba has come out to political tricks used by ODM leader Raila Odinga.

According to Namwamba, he has been part of the opposition and he understands very well how the fraternity works.

"I have been part of this enterprise(the opposition) and I know this enterprise perhaps more intimately than Caleb because I have been quite inside this enterprise," said Namwamba.

He was speaking during a debate on KTN news where he said that Raila's mode of doing things has remained the same over the years and nothing will change.

"Raila Odinga thrives on victim-hood and the mirror image, the mirage, creating impressions and then crying wolf, becoming victim so that then you can hope to rally and foment some kind of public sympathy," Mr Namwamba added.

Namwamba further hit out at NASA over failure to fulfill the promises they made when they decided to have a parallel tallying center in the August elections.

Mr Namwamba went ahead to say that during the Supreme Court proceedings, NASA did not give the figures that could be confirmed both statistically and empirically. In defense, Me Amisi stated that they were caught unawares during the August polls but they are more prepared this time.

The former ODM secretary general further exuded confidence that Jubilee's Uhuru Kenyatta will win the repeat polls on October 17.

" We are super prepared we are only going to tighten things in our regions, I have just taken over Busia county and Salim Mvurya is doing well in Kwale. We have replicated this model in all 47 counties," the former legislator stated.