[Nasa principals Raila Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and Kalonzo Musyoka. Photo/ Courtesy]

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The National Super Alliance coalition (NASA) may seem like an inclusive organisation but beyond the surface, all it is a vehicle for three Western Kenya tribal chiefs to ride into power, or so they think.

The coalition supporters are the biggest critics of the Jubilee government, blaming it of tribalism, but really, how is their own coalition any different?

Three of the four principals, Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and Raila Odinga come from the larger Western region of Kenya. In a sorry attempt at inclusivity, Kalonzo Musyoka was pitifully thrown into the mix to make it look like a cocktail that included the Kambas and by extension, Eastern Kenya.

It, however, does not require rocket science to tell that Kalonzo in Nasa does not really represent the Kambas. He is a lone ranger, a flower girl for Raila. Throw in governor Joho of Mombasa with his antics and you have the full Kenyan electoral 'tribal kit'; two major tribes, one small tribe and a random Swahili or Coast representative, prefferably one who is Muslim.

As a voter, my bone of contention with NASA is that they pretend to offer something different from Jubilee. The same people, the same tactics, the same scripts and different results? Sorry, will not happen.

Nasa leaders know that what they are seeking is their turn to eat. It is not a secret that members of Parliament alligned to Raila Odinga were part and parcel of some of the biggest corruption scandals witnessed in the country, including the NYS shame. Instead of playing the watchdog role of the opposition, they sat at the table and ate what was on offer, as Kenyans watched the country do down the graft drain.

What makes Nasa supporters think that once the same leaders are in power, which might be never, that their leaders will turn over a new leaf and liberate this country?

The only hope for this country is someone who has never been part of the government, who does not owe anything to any political godfather. It might not come in my generation, but it will be actualised, some day.