Nakuru Town West MP Samuel Arama. (PHOTO/Courtesy Kenya soft)Nakuru town west Mp Samuel Arama is optimistic that the case filed by opposition at the Supreme Court will collapse.

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Speaking in Nakuru on Tuesday, Arama said that the case was founded on allegations and holds no water.

“Going to court is a right to anyone but we know the case filed by Nasa will collapse so let us continue to pray for the nation and the Jubilee government,” he said.

The law maker who fell out with the ODM party after declaring support for jubilee party during his first term as Nakuru town west Mp, said that Nasa coalition has lost touch with the people given the many votes Jubilee party got especially in his Nyamira backyard.

He added that the fact that Jubilee party has three Mps from Nyamira County was a clear indication that the Kisii community was thirsty of change.

“We know in 2013 us from Nyamira we voted wrongly but this time round we voted for Jubilee and Jubilee has 3 MPs from that region” he said.

Meanwhile, the legislator slammed opposition MPs to claim that Jubilee party was intimidating the Supreme Court adding that Judiciary is an independent body and the decision of the Supreme Court will be respected by the Jubilee party as Garissa Mp elect Aden Duale indicated on Monday.