[Raila Odinga in a past event. A number of his supporters from Nyamira have dismissed planned demonstrations. Photo/Nation]

Is there a story unfolding in your community? Let Hivisasa know

A section of NASA supporters from Nyamira County have dismissed calls for street demonstrations by Raila Odinga on grounds that they were let down.

At the eve of New Year, Odinga insisted that he shall assemble his forces for demonstrations, product boycott among others.

"If they are not ready for dialogue, we shall take the issue to people. We shall organize demonstrations and non-cooperation with the illegitimate government," he said.

But with constant plans of Raila's flooped swearing-in, the supporters led by Joash Omanwa, have slammed Odinga for 'misleading' them.

But they insist that the only demonstrations that they shall take part in, must be protecting Raila after swearing-in.

"He keeps on postponing swearing-in thus giving us false hope. The only demonstration we can take part is protecting him after taking oath," he said.

For many weeks now, Odinga has insisted that he shall take oath of office, a move which is yet to materialize though.