The calls for national dialogue made by the Cord coalition are likely to cause more harm than good to the nation, an MP has said.

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Speaking in Molo town on Thursday, area Member of Parliament, Jacob Macharia said that the current peace being enjoyed in the country might be sent to the dogs should the dialogue be held.

He said that the dialogue calls have a hidden political agenda, which aims at dividing Kenyans along tribal and party lines.

“Dialogue is not bad at all, but when such dialogue is being called with a hidden agenda, then it becomes risky. Those calling and pushing for this dialogue are people who have vested political interests, which area likely to plunge the country into chaos,” said Macharia.

“The country has not fully recovered from the ripple effects of 2007/2008 violence and we cannot afford to travel that route again,” added Macharia.

Macharia called on the Cord leadership to approach the president directly and offer him any solutions they might have about the problems facing the nation.

“If they have solutions to our problems, then let them meet the president, because it is possible and offer him the solutions instead of holding everyone at ransom in the name of dialogue,” he said.

He called on Kenyans to live in peace and harmony and view each other as one people.