A HIV self-test kit. [Photo/3-mob.com]

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The government has rolled out two  way approach to curbing the spread of HIV by launching a new self-testing kit and introducing a HIV prevention drug for people at risk of contracting the disease.

The kit will be available at private facilities and chemists at a cost of between Sh700 and Sh800.

Users will be able to draw a sample of their blood or conduct an oral swab to determine their HIV status.

The drug, on the other hand, known as Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is for people at very high risk of contracting HIV. It will be taken daily to reduce chances of infection.

PrEP will retail at Sh3,600 a month. It is a prescription drug only.

Nelly Mugo, a research scientist at the Kenya Medical Research Institute, said the kits target young girls because they are the ones most socially, structurally and biologically susceptible to contracting STIs.

"Young women's bodies are highly susceptible to STIs at this age and this is why we are taking a keen look at the group," she said as reported by the Standard.