Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaiserry will be visiting Kiambu County to assess allegations there is a resurgence of outlawed militia groups like Mungiki.

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On Tuesday, Nkaissery appeared before the parliamentary security committee chaired by Tiaty MP Asman Kamama where he said he would visit the region in a week and meet with all political leaders from the area. This is before sitting with security personnel in the county.

The late George Michuki, who was the minister in charge of security during Kibaki’s tenure spared no effort in his mission to fully eliminate the gangs.

Tens of the sect members were killed during the operation and since then, the Mungiki sect was heard of no more until a few years ago when it allegedly started regrouping.

The leader of the sect then, Maina Njenga, was arrested and his assistant Njuguna Kamau Njuguna assassinated. This led to the sect collapsing due to lack of leadership and immense opposition from the government.

Nkaissery says that the sect, together with other militia groups, have resurfaced especially in Kiambu and Mandera.

He promised to visit the said counties to talk with the leaders on how to ensure the illegal groups are suppressed.

Residents of Kiambu say that the sect could be responsible for the rise of insecurity in the county.

Kikuyu sub-county police boss, Birgen Kiptoo, said that they are having a challenge identifying sect members. He said they are doing their best to counter the situation.