Auditor General Edward Ouko. [Photo/] The failure of The National Land Commission (NLC) to disclose beneficiaries of Sh2.8 billion compensation payout in the year to June 2016 has put the commission on the spot.NLC made payments totaling Sh2,868,539,469 on behalf of other government entities according to Auditor-General Edward Ouko.Mr Ouko said in a report dated June 19 and tabled in Parliament yesterday, “The amount includes Sh2,079,764,002, being compensation whose details of acreage and plot numbers have not been made available for audit verification,”.Mr Ouko said in a qualified audit opinion, “In the circumstance, it has not been possible to confirm the accuracy and validity of the payments made by the commission on behalf of other government entities amounting to Sh2,868,539,469 included in the statement of receipts and payments for the year ended June 30, 2016”. The 11th Parliament, through the Land committee, probed compensation claims for the construction of the Sh327 billion Mombasa-Nairobi standard gauge railway (SGR). It was revealed that the government lost billions due to irregular compensation and overpayment of individuals affected by the project.The NLC has also found itself on the spotlight over compensation claims for the construction of the multi-billion-shilling Thwake and Thiba dams which also attracted House scrutiny. This is also as a result of the compensation and resettlement.
NLC on the spot for failure to disclose beneficiaries of Sh2.8 billion

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