A nominated MCA in Vihiga county has shocked many after she allegedly posted her nudes with another man on county Whatsapp group.

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The MCA, Ms Rhoda Omufumu has since gone into hiding after the disgraceful photos emerged on Friday at 9:12 pm in the Vihiga County Development group. 

An officer of the county has, however, defended Omufumu saying that she was not the one who posted the nudes give that she is not even digital savvy.

"Mtu alichezea simu yake (someone messed around with her phone) ... she is a church leader who cannot post such things on social media. She is married and she has grown up children," the Star quoted the officer.

The post sparked outrage prompting female legislators in the Vihiga Assembly to organise a meeting to look into the matter on Monday.

Reports indicate that Omufumu's husband is a former councilor.