South Mugirango Member of Parliament has pointed that former CIC chairman Charles Nyachae is the reason to why he decided to quite ‘Obomo bwomogusii Unity’.
Speaking during an interview on Tuesday morning in a local radio station (Egesa Fm) Nyamweya said that he is the one who had the idea of the unity only to find that Charles Nyachae had wrong intentions.
“I started the Unity and I am the first person to host all the members of parliament from the region for a coffee talk and I realised Nyachae had stolen my idea and I decided to quit and leave the unity to him for we have parallel thinking angles," he added.
Nyamweya though said that as he is vying for the gubernatorial seat he want to ensure that he unifies the leaders from the region and above all unite them with the locals to spearhead development which remains to be his key agenda.
Nyamweya is among the leaders from the regions looking forward to unseating current County governor James Ongwae who is also seeking the second term.