Deforestation is a major driver of global warming, responsible for up to 20 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

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This is more than all the cars, trucks, planes, boats and trains in the world combined.

Deforestation does not just threaten our climate, it threatens the livelihoods of 1.6 billion people that rely on forests for food and economic activity. Forests also serve as habitats to rare and undiscovered animal and plant species. They also play a key role in providing water and preventing flooding and erosion.

Ending deforestation and protecting forests will not only preserve biodiversity and defend the rights of forest communities it is also one of the quickest and cost effective ways of curbing global warming.

In line with this, the Kenya Forest Research Institute (Kefri) have decided to devolve its services to every county. The devolution is to ensure that people who are on the ground benefit and also bringing flagship projects closer to the people as prerequisite in the MPT II of vision 2030.

Speaking during the laying of the foundation stone for the construction of a Sh 80 million Kefri Migori Resource Centre, Migori County Governor Zacharia Okoth Obado said that his government will partner with Kefri and support its initiatives towards increasing trees and forest cover in the region.

 Currently, the region has a forest cover of three per cent. The target is more than 20 per cent forest cover.

In addition, Obado will facilitate Kefri to disseminate appropriate technologies that will improve the environment, food security and economic wellbeing of the Migori residents.

Kefri Director Dr Ben Chikamai said that the 11-acre piece of land next to the Lichota Agricultural show grounds along the Migori-Kehancha road will be developed to include a modern resource centre with training facility for forestry research and capacity building, office block, laboratories and demonstration site.

Dr. Chikamai said: “The resource centre will be a hub for developing forestry technologies. These technologies will be disseminated to Migori region and the surrounding counties of Kisii, Nyamira and Homabay.”

He added that the technologies will be evaluated and those with socio-economic impacts recommended for improving livelihoods in the areas of reforestation, conservation, biodiversity, mitigation of climate change, pest and diseases management, tree establishment and social forestry.