Residents of Nyanguru village in Nyakoe ward, Kitutu Chache South now want the new area chief to intensify crackdown measures on illicit brew.

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In a nationwide move launched by the national government to stop illicit brewing in Kenya, several Governors have escalated the initiative into the closing of notorious drinking joints and arresting illicit brewers. 

And now residents of Nyanguru, home to Hon.John Amisi the Nyakoe Ward MCA(Member of County assembly), want the newly deployed chief Mr Peter Omari to heighten the alcohol crackdown.

"We want our new Chief to be tougher on the alcohol sellers.Men and youths in this village are lost into drinking and this has become a big problem in our society," said John Kenyoru a resident.

Another resident Eunice Omambia who spoke to Hivisasa said the heavy alcohol brewing in the area has caused many school dropouts and broken marriages.

"This is an alcohol den that our local leaders need to join efforts to break it.Most youths have dropped out of school and married men are failing to meet their family needs. A big number of marriages that were promising have failed and the dumped men are comfortable with the divorces," she said.

Last year a youth was murdered in his house alongside a half-full bottle of liquor by a suspected gang after he failed to share the gambling money he had won to them, despite allegedly buying them alcohol.