The National Executive Committee of the ODM Youth League, met on Friday here at Maanzoni Lodge, Machakos.

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They released the below statement, saying they are aware of the challenges facing the youth of in the country; coupled with increasing cases of corruption that threaten the collapse of the economy."

1. That we demand President Uhuru Kenyatta to come out openly and make a statement on the theft of Ksh. 9 billion from the National Youth Service (NYS) and the Ksh. 2 billion in the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB). Corruption has become a major scourge in the country only benefiting a few individuals who do not care about the next generations. Stealing has become their daily cup of tea and they shamelessly loot public coffers in the spirit of ‘it is our time to eat now’. President Kenyatta must now hold the bull by its horns and save Kenya from the yokes of corrupt individuals.

2. Youths being the pillar of our national strength, we feel disadvantaged and disenfranchised by the continued plundering of money meant for the growth of the youth power in the country. The NYS which was founded by progressive men and women in the 1960's as a way of empowering the youth has become a cash cow for a fraction of the country’s population. It’s purpose has been eroded and the objective left to die. We support calls for its disbandment with immediate effect and the Ksh. 22 billion allocated to the institution re-directed to other meaningful activities.

3. That we shall defend our party Leader H.E. Raila Odinga and the party at all times. The handshake was meant to draw the path for a safer and united Kenya where no single Kenyan should feel superior to the other regardless of position, tribe or race. We want a Kenya where elections shall be used to put in power leaders of integrity and no single leader forces themselves down the throats of the people through election rigging. Any attack on H.E. Raila Odinga is an attack on us and we shall hit back in equal measure.

4. That we are embarking on a countrywide process of revamping, rejuvenating and re-energizing the youth league. We shall visit all parts of the country to build the youth league and spread the message of peace. A peaceful nation is a developed nation. We need peace to grow as a Country and the ODM Youth League will lead on this front.

5. The ODM Youth League NEC will provide leadership on the impasse that is the Nairobi County leadership. We want to fast track the process of sorting out the leadership problem in Nairobi so that the Youth League can reclaim their status in the County."