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Kisii County Governor James Ongwae has called on the media fraternity to support the upcoming Kisii Entrepreneurship Summit (KES) 2016.

On Friday, Governor Ongwae held a great breakfast meeting with journalists and a group of stakeholders to discuss the upcoming summit.

The summit whose theme is ‘Tapping Trade and Investment Opportunities in Kisii County’ will take place from 25 to 27 February at the Kisii University.

“The media is a critical stakeholder in the development agenda for the county through their information, education and entertainment role and for this reason we seek to foster a strong partnership to make the summit a success,” said Mr Ongwae.

“As a county, we seek to leverage on our rich agricultural potential to transform into a middle-income economy. We shall strive to create a conducive environment to attract investment,” he added.

The investment summit has attracted high profile foreign and local dignitaries and will provide a networking platform to domestic, regional and international investors to negotiate joint ventures and partnership. 

The governor invited all Kisii County residents to welcome guests and make the summit a success.