In a statement issued by Kisii County governor, James Ong'wae on Wednesday, Ong'wae rubbished the EACC report which ranked his county second most corrupt in the country.
Ong'wae maintans that the survey by EACC was drafted from reports of county suppliers who had personal issues with the county.
‘‘The survey may have come out from interactions between the impatient and county suppliers who are overreacting due to the previous delayed payment. The report is unfair and it does not reflect the position on the ground," said Ong'wae.
He, however, stated that the delay in releasing payments impacted the county operations negatively and thus may have led to the information that formed sections of the EACC report.
"The delayed payment made some negative effects. My government is committed to fight corruption and careful utilisation of resources," he added.
According to EACC survey, Kisii, Nyamira and Marsabit counties corruption cases were at 78.99%, 75.23% and 71.01% respectively while least observations were in Nandi. Kericho and Machakos counties at 4.95%, 5.62% and 6.86% respectively.