Kisii county governor James Ongwae has been urged to establish a school that will accommodate street children.

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The street children engage in an endless fracas at night with traders in the town with some resolving into illegal pickpocketing, according to Everline Omete a tomato seller.

Mrs Omete said taking them to a school of their own, will equip them with essentials skills that will change their lives.

"The county government should build a street children school that will offer them a special education. This is the only way they will be made productive in life," she said.

Enock Gichora a bodaboda operator in the town, said the street children are allegedly struggling and their movement at night is dangerous.

"They are just surviving on garbage food which can give them deadly diseases.At night they can easily get tempted to rob you. Ongwae should move in so fast and set up a school that will accommodate them.Its the only sure way to bail them from their fate," he said 

Gichora has also urged the county chief to set strategies that will ensure youths are not sidelined in getting county jobs.

"Our youths are mostly looked down on when it comes to job allocations. Ongwae should champion for us because we largely voted for his reelection," added Gichora.