Former Subukia lawmaker Koigi Wa Wamwere has said that opposition leader Raila Odinga will be in the presidential ballot in the 2022 presidential race.

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Speaking on JKL Wednesday, the veteran politician said the National Super Alliance (NASA) chief remains the only suitable candidate to battle it out with Deputy President William Ruto who has already announced his bid.

The close ally of Odinga termed this as the main reason behind the former Prime Minister's ongoing chain of reconciliations and handshakes with former rivals.

''Raila will battle Ruto for the presidency in 2022. He is the only person who can run against the Deputy President hence his sudden political vibrancy,'' Koigi said. 

He said that Odinga will easily carry the day in the race, citing the DP's alleged poor leadership and integrity credentials.

''Ruto cannot become the president because he has made very many enemies in the political arena who will gang up against him. He has also been implicated in graft and criminal activities including the 2007 post election violence which will lower his winning chances,'' he added.