Hundreds of people who invaded Kisumu airport. [Photo/Courtesy]

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That hundreds of people can mobilize themseves, run-down the security apparatus of a regional airport and demand to be addressed by their 'baba' is indeed strange and worrying even to those who are usually less keen.

Most worrying is the manner in which they arrived at the airport. It is said they used hundreds of 'boda boda' motorbikes to access the facility, causing an unprecedented breach of security in one of our airports.

Many questions arise from the incident. One, who funded this group of youth? Two, what was the objective of the invasion? Three, where were the security agencies as such a mammoth crowd headed to our airport?

Yet the most important question of all should be: was this a National Resistance Movement activity? If so, how should the government respond to it?

We must not take the Kisumu incident as just another isolated incident. I feel it is a seed that should not be allowed to get a drop of water as it will bring-forth more seeds of discontent.

Pray that our airports become safe for our travellers.