Former Machakos Deputy Governor Bernard Kiala at a past function [ Photo/]

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Former Machakos Deputy Governor Bernard Kiala has been missing in action since he was defeated during the Wiper Party nominations. 

Kiala walked in corridors of justice seeking to overturn the win of Former Kathiani MP Wavinya Ndeti but his efforts proved futile.

In March 2013, Kiala’s political stars shone brightly when he was elected alongside Machakos county boss Dr. Alfred Mutua to lead the region. 

Many political pundits thought that the first term second in command would use his political position to create a name for himself, but it looks like his cards didn’t work as expected.

The Nairobi University assured residents of Machakos that he was the right person to transform their lives but his efforts did not yield the expected fruits. The politician later turned against his boss and started fighting him. 

He accused the county boss of misusing his position for his selfish gains. His political glory was, however, short-lived when Wiper Party Leader Stephen Kalonzo turned to Chama Cha Uzalendo where he endorsed Wavinya Ndeti to run for the post.

Kiala was optimistic that he will take advantage of the wave of Wiper in the region to beat Mutua with a landslide but he quest to ascend to power ended prematurely. 

Ndeti has since maintained strong ties with Kalonzo to the point that she has overshadowed Kiala.