[Kenyans at a past rally. Photo/Courtesy]
Kenya is still a backward state politically. We as Kenyans also do not play politics of future development but rather stomach development.
Voters are bribed to vote. Leaders are bribed to give services. Courts are bribed to give rulings. Political leaders are bribed to pass laws, be they punitive or good, that is usually none of their business.
Our political nature is still immature. Kenyan politicians are not dictated by ideologies nor principles but tribal leanings. This is why today someone is a Democrat but the following day, he/she is a communist. We have never discovered where we lie politically.
Even if you ask a Kenyan politician which side he or she belongs they will tell you they are in Jubilee or Nasa. These are not political ideologies but rather political parties.
What is funny about these political parties is that they are of the same ideologies but leaders just differ because of tribes or due to historical scores. A mature politician cannot behave like how our politicians behave.
Kenya is still languishing is the miasma of political immaturity whose aim is how to get power. To them, power supersedes service to humanity.
This why they can kill because of power. As Kenyans, maturity politically is inevitable.