Former President Moi with President Uhuru Kenyatta. Photo/

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In the latest episode of what has become Uhuru Kenyatta's reality television antics, the governor of Mombasa Ali Hasssan Joho, was kept under office arrest to ensure that he does not bring his anti-jubilee agenda to a development project that was being launched in his own backyard.

This move stinks of the Moi era where the police and other state machinery were used to settle personal scores at the expense of performing their duty to country not individuals.

Even ardent, diehard supporters of Jubilee are bending their heads in shame.

The president's advisers seem keen on having him assert power at the expense of pursuing national interests. We have not forgotten the completely useless war of words between him and the Turkana governor.  

What is clear is the fact that the president does not have patience for people who have differing opinions to his own .

If Uhuru Kenyatta  put up half the fight on matters corruption and development, the way he has been doing the opposition, then his re-election bid would be assured.