President Uhuru Kenyatta at a past event. His recent public utterances are presidential [Photo/]

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First things first, I am a Kamba man, married to a Kikuyu lady. My elder brother is married to a Maasai and my step-father is Luo. So, you cannot use the tribal card to judge me. I am past that.

I have never voted for Uhuru Kenyatta and that is a decision I do not regret. My family, blended as it is, has some Uhuru die-hards that see no wrong in their man. We also have one very loyal Odinga fan who takes it upon himself to preach the baba gospel to us. Then there are the neutrals. Those who will judge a politician , MCA, MP, Governor and everyone else, beyond their words and put them on a very steep scale.

I considered the August 8 election as the most important political decision of my life. This, seeing how it came smack in the middle of my twenties, and right when my small daughter was growing and turning into her own little person. I pondered for months about who to vote for and when I did, I was at peace with myself, knowing I had made a decision that would shape the narrative for my daughter and her peers twenty years down the line.

I do not need to repeat the events that have since unfolded since we, as Kenyans, proudly cast our ballots.

Great things such as Kidero losing the Nairobi seat should, however, not go unmentioned. No matter which side you lie, if you are not blinded by tribal or party sycophancy, you have to admit that Kidero failed the people of Nairobi, monumentally.

I am disappointed by the fact that Uhuru Kenyatta has been quite un-presidential since he lost the election petition. It is a complete contrast to the man who called upon Odinga and his brigade to ‘accept and move on’ in 2013.

Uhuru is ranting as if he is entitled to rule. It is almost like we owe him. He has made it seem like we should count ourselves quite lucky to be led by him.

Under the Uhuru-Ruto regime, grand corruption and impunity rose to an unsalable magnitude. There is simply no control over looting of public resources in this country. No one will prosecute anyone for the loss of several billion shillings. Under this government, there was seemingly a competition for who can steal the most, and in the most ingenious ways.

The reason I would love for the ruling duo to be sent packing, by anyone really, is because they should know that it is not a guarantee that presidents have to rule for 2 terms. Ousting them would send a clear message that Kenyans are ready to do away with poor leadership. Just ask the new crop of governors and they will tell you that the writing is on the wall.

Lastly, voting for Uhuru would by extension mean that we have already made a decision for 2022. Well, that is if the people of Mt. Kenya do not pull a fast one on Samoei. If Ruto becomes president in 2022, he will probably hand over power to the son of Uhuru or Moi. And Kenya will go right back to square one.