More than 100 youth groups are targeted for varied amounts of government funds this year in Likuyani area of Uasin Gishu County, Lukunyani Ward youth leader has confirmed. The youth leader Mike Muranda, was speaking on Saturday at a funeral of a bodaboda operator who died recently in a road accident. He said that last year, they distributed Sh5.6 million to 15 groups that met the qualification for various funds including Uwezo, Youth Enterprise Development funds and Women Developed funds. According to Muranda, however, there is need to carry out civic education about the same to ensure residents fully understand the motive behind such funds. “Many people fear to apply for these funds. They think that the government wants to steal from them,” he said adding that the loans are interest-free. “Nobody is going to ask you to give back more than what you were given,” he said. Moreover, he urged the youth to engage in the county development agenda in order to assist the country realise its vision 2030 agenda. Muranda criticised less participation by the youth in development and education matters. “As a constituency, we have decided to put education in the forefront in order to fight illiteracy and build a better nation', said Muranda. He went ahead to advice road users to be careful this year so that the number of deaths caused by bad driving can be minimised.
Over 100 youth groups targeted for government funds
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