The population of refugees from Ethiopia continues to increase as more families seek refuge in Moyale, Marsabit County, the Kenya Red Cross Society has said.

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As of Tuesday, March 13, 2018, approximately 5,000 refugees had arrived in Moyale, the majority being women and children. These include pregnant and lactating mothers, chronically ill persons, those abled differently and the elderly. 

The refugees are mainly concentrated in Moyale town and Sololo area: Butiye (500 people), Somare (400 people), Cifa (100 people), Sessi (1,000 people), Gatta Korma (1,650), Dambala Fachana (750 people) and Kukub Maeyi (600).

These follows an assessment that was commissioned on March 12, 2018 after the formation of a Sub County Steering Group whose immediate task was to identify the number of refugees already in Moyale and their immediate needs.

The assessment identified shelter, food, water supply and health support as the key areas needing urgent interventions.Others include the issue of sanitation and protection. Some of the refugees further moved with their livestock, therefore, adding pressure on the existing resources.

“Kenya Red Cross yesterday (Monday) sent a medical surge team together with a relief team to carry out assessments and offer the needed support," said Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) Secretary-General Dr. Abbas Gullet.

He disclosed that they were responding purely on a humanitarian basis, looking at issues of health, water, sanitation and food.

"I really thank the county government for their support of food to these populations who are largely women and children. We have also seen men with their animals and other belongings,” said the Secretary General.

“Currently, the refugee status of these individuals is yet to be determined. Once this determination is made, then hopefully there can be a proper setting of camps if need be because at the moment, most are integrated with the host community, relatives and friends,” he added on Tuesday.

Registration is ongoing in all the concentration areas in Moyale town and Sololo area with the number of refugees expected to rise as more continue to stream into Moyale.

“With the onset of the long rains, we may have serious challenges especially issues of health, sanitation and water. We hope and pray that a solution is found,” added Dr. Gullet.

On Monday, the KRCS released Family kits (Tarpaulins, Kitchen sets, Mosquito nets, Bar soaps, Thermal Blankets and Jerrycans); Inter-Agency Emergency Health Kits (Basic Unit, Supplementary Unit and Malaria Kit) and reproductive health kits (Kit 2A): A medical team of 12 people consisting of Nurses, Clinical Officers, Public Health Officers, as well as Water, Sanitation and HygieneOfficers.