Parents in Nakuru County have asked the government to ensure that they will not be asked to pay full term one school fees, once the ongoing teachers’ strike ends.
Speaking to our reporter on Tuesday morning in Nakuru town, the parents said it will be unfair for them to pay school fees including for the days which teachers will be on strike.
They asked the government to reduce term one’s school fees by deducting a certain amount, for the number of days the ongoing strike will last.
“It is normal for one to only pay for services rendered and the government must direct all schools not to charge us for the days teachers will not be in school. The school fees must be less the amount of money which would have been catered for the days wasted,” said Jacinta Kwamboka, a parent at Nakuru Girl’s High school.
“If the strike lasts for one month, then the fees must be less the amount for the one month,” added Kwamboka.
Another parent, Timothy Bosire said that parents are the most affected by the ongoing strike, because they have incurred an extra expense of keeping their children home at time they should be in school.
“This is something we never planned for and as parents, we are really suffering considering that this is January, some of us might be forced to use the school fees in feeding the children should the strike persist because we have no money,” he said.
The strike entered its second week on Monday, with the government and the teachers’ unions sticking to their hard line positions.