A pastor in Nzaikoni, Machakos County, was on Wednesday forced to chase his wife due to her bad habit of gossiping.

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The pastor’s wife had been given authority to lead women in the church and advise them on how to live well with their families.

It is said the women did not like her because of her bad habits of being partial to others, proud and liked gossiping others especially those who are not well off.

"Wherever she went, she could talk ill of her church members on how they dressed. Her husband who is the church leader warned her against her evil habits especially that of gossiping. He even threatened to chase her if she could not stop but the wife could not," said a church member who confided to this writer for fear of victimization.

The source said a large number of women from the church failed to attend a women's service on Wednesday, an incident that shocked the pastor.

Pastor Joseph Wambua (not his real name) angrily told his wife that she was the cause and threatened to chase her after the service.

Wambua made his threats true by sending the wife back to her parents home.

He told her to return to their home until she transforms from the bad behaviors.

“Now, you go back to your parents and once you are done with your habits of gossips, I will come back for you," Wambua told the wife.

The wife tried to beg him for forgiveness, but he could not listen to her.

She had no option but to carry her belongings and leave.