An old woman(PHOTO/

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What could be some of the habits that are making modern day woman age quickly? I know you are trying to figure out a few.It could be the food you eat,the products you use,long working hours,motherhood,make-up products and so forth.

However, don't be surprised to find out that,all that seemingly trending and stylish could be the unnoticeable cause.stay calm and read through; you may change for the better.                      

Skin whitening creams. The whimsy that the browner the skin the more beautiful you are, is leading to some women applying these products which are cocktail of chemicals.And if used for a long time it causes, permanent pigmentation, skin cancer, liver damage, mercury poisoning and others.                    

Tight clothes. As humorous as it maybe, tight clothes cause meralgia peresthetica-wearer experiences a numbness going down one’s thigh.Dr Nicholas Morrissey, a vascular surgeon with New York-Presbyterian Hospital, adds that tight clothes may also be responsible for characteristic abdominal discomfort, heartburn and belching.                         

  High heels. Almost any woman wears high heels- its a trend.However , Dr. Richard Muraga of KNH warns that wearing high over a long period of time can tamper with the muscles in calves causing painful muscular spasms.                      

Fast food snacks.Ladies love snacking, you will definitely find most of them in numerous fast food joints in town.However,due to high levels of salt and sugar , confectioneries are known to cause obesity,diabetes, hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders.