Police in Nakuru are warning residents against engaging in any unauthorized protests within the town, following Monday’s incident where students from Nairobi Aviation College, Nakuru campus took to the streets and tried storming nation media group offices along Kenyatta Avenue.
Nakuru police boss Bernard Kioko said that it was against the law for anyone to engage, organize or participate in any kind of procession, protest or demonstration without the authorization of the police.
Speaking Tuesday afternoon at Nakuru town, Kioko said that the police will deal with people engaging in unauthorized protests just like any other law breaker.
“Yesterday students caused mayhem along Kenyatta Avenue in the name of protesting, but the officers were quick to respond and disperse them and I want to warn anybody or groups who have this habit of jumping into the streets anytime they feel that we will not condone that kind of behaviuor in Nakuru,” said the police boss.
“The law allows anyone or any group to hold protests, but the same law says that the protest must be authorized by the police and anyone organizing or participating in any protest, without the clearance from the police will be violating the law and the same law has a way of punishing such individuals,” said Kioko.
Kioko warned protesters against taking the law into their own hands or engaging in destruction of property or disturbing the peace of other people during protests.