Voters should be blamed for electing leaders who do not perform.
During election period, many people avail themselves to be chosen but voters have the final choice.
Instead of voters judging the candidates basing on their policies and content of their character, we instead go for the heaviness of their wallets and how we relate to them.
This voter apathy can also be blamed on poor civic education in the country. Voters need to be enlightened on how important a vote is.
Martin Luther King Jnr once said that 'a ballot is stronger than a dollar'. This is true. The electorate should know the kind of leaders they choose will determine the fate of our nation.
Today, Kenyans of all races and creed are lamenting of bad leadership from ward level, constituency, county to the presidency. Reason? We chose people based on 'handouts' instead on policies.
Tribalism has also eaten our thinking and rational elements. During election period, Kenyans are usually divided along ethnic lines. This is rampant at the national level.
This has ensured that even if there is a good leader who comes from minority communities, they cannot make it to the presidency as he or she does not have the 'tyranny' of numbers to propel him or her to the highest position of the country.
Therefore, if we need to have good leadership, we should change our mindset. We should desist from demanding money from politicians so as to vote them.
This will always derail and delay our development.