[Tanzanian rapper Nay wa Mitego. Photo/Courtesy]

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Popular rapper Emmanuel Elibariki, also known as Ney Wa Mitego, was over the weekend arrested by Tanzanian police for allegedly producing a song whose lyrics malign and diminish the presidency.

The song, Wapo, which has not reached the airwaves yet, was produced last week and widely shared on social media as reported by the Star.

The song, which questions whether there is still freedom of expression in the country (Tanzania), was said to be taking aim at President Magufuli, who has several times used the phrase 'lancing boils' in reference to his no nonsense approach to governing.

The rapper is popular for his scathing lyrics attacking not only the government but even his fellow artists.

His arrest comes just days after President John Magufuli warned media owners to be careful on how they use their press freedom.