The Kenya Private Schools Association (KEPSA) Kisumu County branch has joined the teachers unions in condemning the recently passed Basic Education Regulations Act.
Through their chairperson Charles Ochome, KEPSA has urged Education Cabinet Secretary Prof Jacob Kaimenyi to embrace dialogue when coming up with legislations which are of national interest.
He said that such acts will hinder service delivery in the education sector.
Ochome added that they are ready to join their colleagues in the public schools in condemning the said acts with the strongest terms possible.
He said that it is only the TSC that is mandated by the constitution to look into teachers’ affairs adding that teachers will be demotivated in case the said regulations are put in place especially those which give the CS power to fire school heads.
Ochome also condemned the regulation on the time which the school operations should begin and end saying that such ideas will automatically derail education standards in the country.
He challenged the CS to come up with measures aimed at improving the education standards rather than being vocal on issues related to politics and supremacy.
Ochome said that the school should be guided with the previous regulations which he described as teacher-pupil friendly.