Prophet David Owuor of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness has shocked the church by revealing that after rupture, those who will not have received salvation will face tribulations.

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Speaking during a 3-day pastors' conference in Nakuru, Dr. Owuor said the church must prepare by living holy lives, sanctified, purified and consecrated in order to avert end time tribulations.

In his deeper teachings to the pastors, he said the church has a responsibility to ensure they enter the kingdom of God after rupture.

"The church has a responsibility to ensure it enters the Kingdom," he said.

He reminded the church of the biblical Enock who walked with God and did not see death.

He said those who live holy might not test death and that they will witness the rupture.

While reiterating the message of repentance and holiness, Prophet Owuor said the end time was near and the church has to be ready for rupture.

He revealed that he had been shown the prophecy of clouds descending with staircases from heaven.

This he said was an indication that rupture was about to happen.